I design for simply magnolia

I design for magnolia christmas challenge

i design for vintage udfordring

sugar creek hollow

i design for: IAMC

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Member since 12/2009

« A Vintage Inspired Christmas.................... | Main | Day 4 of the countdown................. »



tracy c


i can't remember if i have already left a message saying you have my #19 matchbox or not...hope you like it...:)


Carol R

Your matchboxs are lovely. Thanks for sharing everyone's little designs also.


Lovely boxes!! I see mine in there for Day 21!

cami @ creating myself

You have given & received some beautiful boxes! You got my #9...enjoy! Hasn't this been a fun swap?

Mrs a.

Hi there,
Just to let you know that I have spotted my no16 box in your collection
Valery Anne Designs


P.S. It looks like the silver snowflake charms are missing from your box !!! If you didn't get them let me know I can send you some for the pull.


Thank you Lizzi .. I love that we got each others boxes for the same day !!!
I don't know why it isn't easier to post on typepad...I do know it discourages people from posting if they are using blogger and that is sad...but we want to be able to click and go these days ...
Aren't all the boxes wonderful?

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    Most of my amazing photos have been rebloged from tumblr, if there is anything you see that is yours please let me know so i can give you credit, thank you wonderful artists....