I design for simply magnolia

I design for magnolia christmas challenge

i design for vintage udfordring

sugar creek hollow

i design for: IAMC

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Member since 12/2009

« It's Beginning to look a LoT like ChRiStMaS....................everywhere I LooK...... | Main | Hummel Angel SnowGlobe................................ »



Debbie Marcinkiewicz

Oh so pretty, Lizzi! I bet your mom loved her gift! TFS in the Tea Room :)

Clare Buswell

wow, gorgeous! thanks for playing along with the Shabby Tea Room!
: )

Melissa Bove

Aww! I am so glad that I inspired you to make a Snow Globe! Yours is gorgeous!! Thanks for joining us this week in the Tea Room!

tracy c


i love what you did with the #19 angel matchbox....i am so glad that you were able to use it in such a creative way to make an awesome globe with a lovely angel house and accessories in it for your mom! you are very creative!! :)

hope you have a very Merry Christmas!



The globe is amazing, it looks stunning.

Nicole S.

Beautiful creation, once again! That snow globe is amazing! Thanks for playing along with us at TSTR! :)

Freda Butler

Hi Lizzie

I am new to your blog but will be a follower from now on. I was sorry to read about your daughter below but so glad that they finally found out what was wrong with her and were able to fix it.

I loved the globe you made for your Mom and if you don't mind I have a question as to what you used for the globe. It looks to be a perfect round. I am sure your Mom will love it.



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