I design for simply magnolia

I design for magnolia christmas challenge

i design for vintage udfordring

sugar creek hollow

i design for: IAMC

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Member since 12/2009

« flowers.....flowers.....flowers.... | Main | ViNtaGe CaNdy....... »




Mi scusi per quello che sono qui per interferire… di recente. Ma sono molto vicini al tema. Scrivere al PM.


.Raramente. Se puede decir, esta excepciГіn:) de las reglas


Es ist die einfach prächtige Phrase


Mir ist diese Situation bekannt. Man kann besprechen.


Non capisco che cosa significa?


Ich entschuldige mich, aber meiner Meinung nach lassen Sie den Fehler zu. Ich biete es an, zu besprechen.

Nancy Grant

Simply stunning! I love them color combos and that style of art.


Cheryl (Shestamps)

I love all your projects! The colors are so soft and spring like.

Thank you for joining our sketch challenge at http://meljensdesignsdt.blogspot.com/”>Meljen’s Designs.


**Check out my http://shestamps.blogspot.com/”>blog candy!**


Hi Lizzi

Wow your creations are stunning - no wonder you are a GD at the Tea Room. I just love your work! Where do you get those gorgeous vintage images from......

Thanks again for the inspiration. Will definitely be back to visit you.

Take care


Carol R

Gorgeous! I love the very first card and the way it was even photographed! And the one with the butterflies is beautiful.

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autism speaks

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gods beauty

  • Meg
    gods beauty....... is sprinkled everywhere........ especially in children............... especially in my little man.... sweet.. innocent.....filled with love..... braedan robert.....
Marvelous Magnolia Top 5


  • Ss10
    Most of my amazing photos have been rebloged from tumblr, if there is anything you see that is yours please let me know so i can give you credit, thank you wonderful artists....