I design for simply magnolia

I design for magnolia christmas challenge

i design for vintage udfordring

sugar creek hollow

i design for: IAMC

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Member since 12/2009

« ViNtaGe CaNdy....... | Main | Happy BiRtHdAy city crafter....... »



Carol R

Beautiful cards. Soft and romantic feeling to each.

Freda Butler

This is very nice. You did a beautiful job and anyone would appreciate receiving this.



Debbie Marcinkiewicz

Two gorgeous, french-inspired creations, Lizzi! They both make my heart swoon! Thanks for joining us in the Tea Room this week :)

Please remember to LINK back to TSTR in order to be considered for the weekly prize!

Ros Crawford

These are both stunning ... beautifully soft and pretty ... thanks so much for sharing with us at CCCB

Sheri H

WOW! Both are scrumptious! Love that pop of color in your flowers and bow! Thanks for joining us at The Shabby Tea Room!

Linda R

WOW.. What beautiful cards.. Thanks for playing along with us at CCCB!


Gorgeous work! Thanks for joining us this week at CCCB!

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gods beauty

  • Meg
    gods beauty....... is sprinkled everywhere........ especially in children............... especially in my little man.... sweet.. innocent.....filled with love..... braedan robert.....
Marvelous Magnolia Top 5


  • Ss10
    Most of my amazing photos have been rebloged from tumblr, if there is anything you see that is yours please let me know so i can give you credit, thank you wonderful artists....