I design for simply magnolia

I design for magnolia christmas challenge

i design for vintage udfordring

sugar creek hollow

i design for: IAMC

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Member since 12/2009

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It's funny how time changes everything, our thoughts, our wants, our desires, they seem to flow sometimes in the same direction and sometimes to a new horizon, a path yet untaken...

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autism speaks

  • Autism speaks
    we must listen
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gods beauty

  • Meg
    gods beauty....... is sprinkled everywhere........ especially in children............... especially in my little man.... sweet.. innocent.....filled with love..... braedan robert.....
Marvelous Magnolia Top 5


  • Ss10
    Most of my amazing photos have been rebloged from tumblr, if there is anything you see that is yours please let me know so i can give you credit, thank you wonderful artists....